Gateway Tour
Campaign Featured Image Build Gateway Now
Build Gateway Now is a coalition of civic, labor and business leaders building support for the construction of a new rail tunnel to connect New York, New Jersey, and the entire Northeast Corridor.
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Gateway Scenario Arrow Artboard 1 3x 100
Transit trips across the Hudson River will continue to grow beyond the region’s current capacity. Without the infrastructure to meet this demand, the region’s economic growth and sustainability are in jeopardy.
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Steps to Complete Pre-FTA Project Development

Action Start Date Completion Date


March 2016

July 2016

(NEPA) Environmental Review Process - Notice of Intent Publication

May 2016

(NEPA) Environmental Review Process - Public Scoping Meetings

May 2016

(CIG) Request to Enter FTA CIG New Starts Project Development Phase

May 2016

July 2016

Steps leading to the first Gateway Development Corportation Board Meeting

Action Start Date Completion Date

(CIG) Accepted into FTA CIG New Starts Project Development Phase

July 2016

(NEPA) Environmental Review Process - Scoping Summary Report

October 2016

(NEPA) Draft Environmental Impact Statement

May 2016

July 2017

(Governance) First Gateway Program Development Commission Board Meeting

January 2017

Steps leading to (NEPA) Final Environmental Impact Statement/ROD

Action Start Date Completion Date

PANYNJ Board Approves 10-Year Capital Plan - Including $2.7 billion to support Gateway

February 2017

(NEPA) Environmental Review Process - Alternatives Development Report

April 2017

(NEPA) Environmental Review Process - Public Review of the Draft EIS

July 2017

August 2017

(Construction) Gateway Partners advance early utility relocation work at Hudson Yards

March 2021

(NEPA) Record of Decision

May 2021

(NEPA) Final Environmental Impact Statement/ROD

July 2017

May 2021

Steps leading to the GDC Project Sponsorship

Action Completion Date

(Permit) New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection issued HTP permit

July 2021

(ROW) Amtrak Acquired Block 675, Lot 1 (260 12th Avenue) in Manhattan for Future Vent Shaft

August 2021

(Permit) New York State Department of Environmental Conservation issued HTP Permit

October 2021

(Permit) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a Department of Army Permit to the HTP

November 2021

(CIG) Capital Investment Grants Updated Project Rating to Medium-High”

January 2022

(CIG) Capital Investment Grants (CIG) FY23 $100M Funding Recommendation

March 2022

(Governance) Gateway Phase 1 - Memorandum of Understanding

July 2022

Project Cost and Schedule Updated

August 2022

(CIG) GDC Becomes Official Project Sponsor

September 2022

Steps leading to the FTA Project Evaluation and Rating

Action Start Date End Date

(CIG) Request to Enter FTA CIG New Starts Engineering Phase

October 2022

(Governance) Project Development Agreement (PDA) Approved by GDC Board

November 2022

(CIG) FTA Risk Assessment

November 2022


(Procurement) Tonnelle Ave. in NJ

February 2023


The Gateway Program, Explained

This short video explains the basics of the Gateway Program and highlights the enormous benefits that its 11 core projects will bring.

Steps in the Engineering Process


Acceptance into FTA CIG New Starts Engineering Phase

Obtain all non-CIG capital funding committments

Complete all critical third-party agreements

Steps in the Negotiation Process


Review Financial Documents

CIG Construction Grant Request

Finalize Financial Agreements

Once FTA has completed its review and evaluation of the project and negotiated and prepared the CIG construction grant agreement with the Project Sponsor, the package of information must be reviewed and approved by FTA executive leadership, USDOT leadership, and others within the Administration.

Notification to congress: No later than 15 days before issuing a letter of intent, entering into a full funding grant agreement, or entering into an early systems work agreement under this section, the Secretary shall notify, in writing, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives of the proposed letter or agreement. The Secretary shall include with the notification a copy of the proposed letter or agreement as well as the evaluations and ratings for the project.

Steps in the Construction Process


Full Funding Grant Agreement

Annual CIG Appropriations by Congress (ongoing annually)