
Feb 2024

Rural New Yorkers At Risk

Saving Affordable Rental Housing Created Through USDA’s Section 515 Program

NY Rural Housing Maps1

Key Findings


USDA Section 515 in New York

NY Rural Housing Maps2
NY Rural Housing Maps3

Number of USDA 515 Properties by NY State Senate District

Senate DistrictNumber of PropertiesNumber of UnitsHousehold Count
1262 120
391 24 27
401 24 23
4118 573 672
427 322 439
435 130 166
443 81 73
4527 928 1,154
468 226 269
4817 500 610
4952 1,253 1,572
5013 680 677
5127 739 934
5211 390 446
5328 877 1,015
5439 1,274 1,767
5751 1,547 1,771
5846 1,648 2,232
6014 493 518
6222 701 873
Grand Total392 12,472 15,358
NY Rural Housing Maps4

Number of USDA 515 Properties by NY State Assembly District

Assembly DistrictNumber of PropertiesNumber of UnitsHousehold Count
1262 120
941 24 23
982 104 155
991 40 59
1004 132 196
1017 254 306
10213 380 467
1034 149 195
1064 92 94
1077 202 211
1093 96 129
1111 24 27
1122 57 52
1134 145 241
1147 157 190
11512 524 650
11623 573 730
11727 689 767
11813 295 371
12014 578 740
12122 643 782
12214 423 490
12412 347 430
12510 366 422
12613 324 369
1274 252 121
1281 24 25
1291 80 140
13015 526 743
13111 402 609
13220 819 1,051
13323 703 1,002
1341 40 33
1351 56 50
1381 33 33
13923 820 946
14410 284 350
1452 55 68
14720 623 663
14826 818 1,050
15011 257 258
Grand Total392 12,472 15,358
NY Rural Housing Maps5

USDA Section 515 Properties by Economic Development Region

Regional Economic Development Region NumberNumber of Properties Number of UnitsHousehold Count
Western NY160 1,829 2,132
Finger Lakes2 82 2,860 3,836
Southern Tier3 60 1,863 2,245
Central NY4 47 1,727 1,996
North Country5 65 1,819 2,211
Mohawk Valley6 29 769 856
Capital Region7 26 800 985
Mid-Hudson8 21 743 977
Long Island10 2 62 120
Grand Total 392 12,472 15,358
Comparison of Average Income Gap between USDA 515 County Average New York 02 08 24
Race and Ethnicity for USDA 515 Properties in NYS
Total Household Count of USDA 515 Properties by Estimated Exit Year in New York State
Total Number of Units by Residential Type
Total Number of Vacant Units by Residential Type
Owner Renter Housing in Counties with USDA Properties New York

Challenges and Recommendations

West Broadway Villas before rehab Beechwood Castile French Bay Family Housing Print 21
Top 10 Counties with USDA Section 515 Units Exiting by 2030031224

Case Studies





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