FINAL Cover Perspective 01

Mar 2024

Homes on Track

Building Thriving Communities Around Transit

Access to abundant homes can lower expenses and improve affordability, especially when strategically coupled with public transportation.

TOD Type Summary Table

Near TermMidtermLong Term
DescriptionAlready have physical and mobility attributes for successful TODHave most mobility attributes but lack either physical characteristics or sufficient development capacityHave significant amounts of underutilized land but lack key mobility or physical features
Typical Investments NeededPlazas, streetscape improvements, signageNew streets, pedestrian rail crossings, station improvementsLarge-scale infrastructure investments such as robust transit modes, structured parking facilities, sewers, flood protection, redesigned stations
Typical Regulatory InterventionsUpdated zoning codes, higher densities, reduced parking minimums, accelerated permittingMore extensive zoning changes to allow multi-family and mixed-use at appropriate densitiesMaster planning and extensive zoning changes

RPA TOD Type Distribution

Key Findings and Recommendations


The Benefits of TOD

RPA Regional Rail Existing Commuter Network
FINAL Website Format Perspectives2

Reduced parking minimums and right-sizing parking can free up valuable space to create housing near transit.


The Characteristics of Rail Station Areas

Commuter Rail Stations based on proximity to the CBD and Subregions

Average Walking Minutes to Station

Residential Density

Land Use


TOD Potential Analysis Framework

RPA TOD Type Distribution

Distribution of Transit Orientation Scores

Distribution of Underutilized Land Scores


TOD Design Studies

Near-Term Design Study

Near Term Website Format

Mid-Term Design Study

Design Study Website Format Mid Term

Long-Term Design Study

Design Study Website Format Long Term

Building Equitable TOD

Equitable TOD Socioeconomic Conditions

TOD Zoning Restrictiveness

Next Steps



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