IMG 6202

Jul 2023

Parking and Curbside Management Toolkit

Poor parking and curb management creates a number of problems in commercial districts. The purpose of this toolkit is to provide guidance on how to best imagine and manage the curb to meet the needs of BID members.

How to Use This Toolkit


Defining the Right-of-Way and understanding how the curb functions

8th Ave12 8 2022 AHC DSC 4383

An intersection on 8th Avenue in Manhattan.

NYC Department of Transportation


Understanding how the curb functions

Neckdown financial district DOT 160804 Street Seats New School 5th Ave Manhattan 009 39th Ave Bike Blvd A 02 RD
14th St Bway td 2019 10 28 01


16th Street Mall Denver


DOT 160823 Street Seats Pearl St Manhattan 001

Street seating near the Seaport in Manhattan.

Department of Transportation.


Develop a vision and goals for your curb

GoalPossible Approach(es)
To always have at least one parking space available. Use performance pricing to set a parking meter price high enough to ensure available parking. • Limit and enforce the amount of time a vehicle can remain parked to short durations — one hour maximums, for example.
To use the street as public space.Install parklets in some parking places • Encourage outdoor dining. • Program street activities, like street fairs and Open Streets.
To increase foot traffic by prioritizing safe movement for pedestriansWiden sidewalks. • Add traffic calming measures. • Eliminate on-street parking and prioritize bus, bicycle and pedestrian access.
To minimize the amount of time delivery trucks are on the street.Prioritize deliveries to make them as smooth and quick as possible. • Increase available loading zones.
To “green” the districtIncrease the prevalence of rain gardens for stormwater management.

NYC Programs

IMG 6208

Signage for a loading zone near the Arthur Avenue BID in the Bronx.

No logo Alfresco NYC image

Outdoor dining in New York City.

Rec 4 Chelsea Market

Outdoor dining options in Chelsea Market.

Chelsea Market.



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