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Sep 2022

E-Commerce at a Crossroads

Analyzing the Industry’s Impacts and Planning for Responsible Growth

The rapid growth of e-commerce is having a profound impact on land use, transportation, the environment, and more. Citizens and policymakers now face a choice between two different paths for the industry.

In essence, we face a choice between two completely different paths for e-commerce in our region: one in which e-commerce is bounded by certain regulations and balanced with other policies governing the built environment, and one in which it is not.


Need for Planning & Policy: A Choice Between Visions

Freight Network
ROW Trucks00001

Impacts & Opportunities of E-Commerce in the NY Region

Cardboard Boxes
This two-day symposium will convene leading thinkers in supply chain management, land use, labor, public finance, and sustainable waste streams to consider what the next 10 years might look like in the New York metro region if current trends in e-commerce continue.
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Key Research Areas

Freight City Cover
Read RPA’s 2016 report on freight and how it interacts with the built environment.
see the report


Additional Content and Support

Paul Gertner
CEO, Starborn Industries

Funded By

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