Manchester Connecticut

Dec 2020

Planning for Affordability in Connecticut

Affordable Housing Plan and Process Guidebook

RPA joined the Connecticut Department of Housing and partners across the state to create this guidebook to help towns create strong affordable housing plans.
Connecticut Map Shadow

About this guide


Why Plan For Affordable Housing?

§ 8-30j. Affordable housing plan. Hearing and adoption. Amendments. Filing requirement.


Equity, Opportunity, and Housing

Housing segregation in Connecticut did not happen by chance.

Our Region G09 CC BY NC suburban street by Bill Dickinson

Effectively addressing this disparity is a complex challenge. But one simple solution to creating more equitable housing in Connecticut is to plan for and build more affordable housing in all communities.


Building Support for an Affordable Housing Plan

Committee Illustration
mage by Iyrina Alex and RPA
Affordable Housing Plan Graphic1

Your Affordable Housing Plan

Once adopted, your plan serves as a guide for elected and appointed officials who know they have the support of the community behind them as they are making decisions on development applications.

Megaphone Icon
Diverse Table


Best Practices for Social Media Content

Survey Graphic3
Covid Meeting Icon
Web Meeting Icon

Vectors Point and RPA

Removing Barrier to Opportunity

Equality vs. Equity

Equality is when everyone is provided with the same level of opportunity and assistance. But the truth is that not everyone is starting in the same place with respect to the resources they can readily access. That’s one of the reasons why recognizing the difference between equality and equity is so important. Strategies to address equity require acknowledging and overcoming the long history of unequal treatment that has provided some people with better access to opportunities than others. As we gain the tools to better identify and address the inequalities that exist in our society, we can learn what is needed to remove systemic barriers to opportunity.

Batshevs and Regional Plan Association
NYCHA Infographic RPA
Regional Plan Association
FCCHO flyer
Fairfield County’s Center for Housing Opportunity
Darrien Housing1 Twitter
Darien Talks Housing

What to Include in an Affordable Housing Plan

Affordable homes and housing types that meet the needs of people at a range of incomes and at different stages in their lives are the foundation of thriving communities.

There is no single way to conduct a gap analysis, but the following best practice is suggested:

Connecticut HNA Revised 05 14 Map2

Rental Market Typologies

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, Housing Needs Assessment.” (May 2020).
Connecticut HNA Revised 05 14 map3

Sales Market Typologies

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, Housing Needs Assessment.” (May 2020).

Plan Implementation Matrix Template

Principle Goal Action Timeframe Responsibility




Short / Medium / Long Term


Short / Medium / Long Term


Short / Medium / Long Term



Short / Medium / Long Term


Short / Medium / Long Term


Short / Medium / Long Term



Short / Medium / Long Term


Short / Medium / Long Term


Short / Medium / Long Term

Inclusionary Zoning

Be My Neighbor: Accessory Dwelling Units




Additional support provided by

State Senator Saud Anwar
3rd District, Housing Committee Co-Chair
Mark Barnhart
Director of Community & Economic Development, Town of Fairfield
Beth Cavagna
Planning Director, Town of Bethel
Elizabeth Gara
Executive Director, CT Council of Small Towns
Sean Ghio
Policy Director, Partnership for Strong Communities
Erin Kemple
Executive Director, CT Fair Housing Center
State Representative Cristin McCarthy-Vahey
133rd District, Planning & Development Committee Co-Chair
State Representative Brandon McGee
5th District, Housing Committee Co-Chair
Zachary McKeown
Legislative Associate, Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
Nandini Natarajan
CEO & Executive Director, Connecticut Housing Finance Authority
Mark Nolan
Partner, Nolan Enterprises Real Estate
Alex Pachkowsky
Housing Committee Clerk, Connecticut General Assembly
Matthew Pafford
Environmental Analyst, State of Connecticut Office of Policy & Management
Stephen Saloom
Director, Advocacy & Coalition Building, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation
Jocelyn Ayer
Community and Economic Development Director, Northwest Hills COG
Jim Horan
Executive Director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation Connecticut
Dwight Merriam
Attorney at Law
Alyssa Norwood
Program Manager, Sustainable CT
Christie Stewart
Director, Fairfield County’s Center for Housing Opportunity
Lynn Haig
Director of Planning, Office of Planning & Economic Development, City of Bridgeport
Kayleigh Pratt
Senior Policy Analyst, Partnership for Strong Communities
Rick Redniss
Principal Planner, Redniss & Mead

Produced With

Commissioner Seila Mosquera-Bruno
Connecticut Department of Housing
Michael Santoro
Director, Office of Policy, Research & Housing Support, Connecticut Department of Housing
Aaron Turner
Director of Government Affairs & Communications, Connecticut Department of Housing
Laura Watson
Agent, Office of Policy, Research & Housing Support, Connecticut Department of Housing

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