Aileen Devlin Long Island

Oct 2020

Long Island Housing Data Profiles

A visual guide to better understand Long Island’s housing challenges and opportunities

RPA offers updated profiles on the demographics and housing characteristics of every Long Island city, town, and village in an easily accessible format.


Population and Households

2018Change since 2013
Population %
Households %
Average household size %
Proportion of residents that live in families % %
Average family size %
Proportion of residents that live alone % %

American Community Survey, 2009-2013 and 2014-2018

Area median household income

Median household income $
Median renter household income $
Federal income limits for a 4-person household
80% Area Median Income $92,900
50% Area Median Income $63,300
30% Area Median Income $38,000

2014-18 American Community Survey; HUD Federal Income Limits

Housing cost-burdened households by income group


Housing Inventory

Federally Subsidized Housing

Public Housing
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
Section 8 New Construction/Substantial Rehabilitation
Moderate Rehab
Section 236
Other Multifamily
Total units available through HUD programs

HUD Picture of Subsidized Households, 2019

State Subsidized and Administered Housing

Low-income Housing Tax Credit (4%) developments
Low-income Housing Tax Credit (9%) developments
Project-Based Contract Administrator
Mitchell Lama developments
Total subsidized units administered by NYS

NYS Department of Homes and Community Renewal


Housing Tenure

Change in Home Value

Renter Household Profile

Renter median income $
Median income of all households $
Median gross rent $/mo.
Median gross rent as a percentage of renter median income %

American Community Survey 2014-2018

Long Island Housing Wage

The housing wage, a metric developed by the National Low-Income Housing Coalition, is the wage someone working full-time would need to earn in order to afford rental housing without paying more than 30% of their income toward rent. These figures are for Long Island as a whole.

per hourper year
Income needed to afford a 1-bedroom $29.77 $61,920
Income needed to afford a 2-bedroom $36.67 $76,280

National Low-Income Housing Coalition

Change in Contract Rent


Additional Content and Support

Christopher Jones
Moses Gates
Sol Marie Jones
Long Island Community Foundation
Jim Morgo
Founding President and CEO of the Long Island Housing Partnership and Suffolk County's first Commissioner of Economic Development and Workforce Housing
Gwen O'Shea
Community Development Corporation of Long Island
Mitch Pally
Long Island Building Institute

Funded By

Long Island Community Foundation

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