HATS cover photo

Sources: RPA, FEMA, Army Corps of Engineers


Video from cnbc.com.

Key Recomendations

Address the Study’s Underlying Flaws

HATS map

Map of Alternative 3B features from USACE Draft Integrated Feasibility Report.

HATS Sea Level Rise

Projected Sea Level Rise for the Region

Source: RPA

Map 5 Multiple Flood Hazards

Projected flood risk in 2050 and NYC Stormwater Flooding projections

Sources: RPA, NYC DEP

Map 6 Social Vulnerability

Social Vulnerability in the Region’s Coastal Communities

Sources: RPA, US Census Bureau

Expand Flood Risk Reduction Tools

1871 Harpers Weekly View or Map of New York City from a Balloon Geographicus New York harpers 1871

Harpers Weekly, 1871 New York From a Balloon”

Image from Ida Flooding Housing video
During Hurricane Ida, extreme rain, unlicensed apartments, and underlying socioeconomic conditions resulted in death and disaster in central Queens. These strategies can help prevent that from happening again.
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Buy in for buyouts full
This report presents an in-depth study of buyouts in the New York metropolitan region following Hurricanes Irene and Sandy as a tool for adaptation against flooding. It provides an overview of flooding risk, a detailed summation of buyout programs in and outside of the region, quantitative analyses that organize the region into place types, and five case studies of the fiscal impact of buyouts on selected communities. The research draws from…
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Proceed Thoughtfully in Close Collaboration with Partners and Communities

Resilience Map background image
Recognizing all the incredible work that has happened since SuperstormSandy, we have developed an interactive mapping tool to showcase the planning and visioning efforts that have occurred.
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