
Feb 1996

A Region at Risk: The Third Regional Plan

The Third Plan warned that, without major investments in the economy, equity, and the environment, the region would be at risk of a slow and painful recovery from the economic downturn of the early 1990s.

This video was produced by Nate Dorr and RPA and aired during the RPA Centennial Assembly on May 6, 2022 to commemorate the organization’s 100th anniversary.

(E)conomic development is too often border warfare, as states within the region try to steal businesses from each other in a zero-sum game… and environmental efforts focus on short-term solutions that attack the symptoms rather than the causes of problems.”


Third Plan Campaigns

Conventional and Alternative Planning

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Legacy of the Third Regional Plan

Chris6d Hudson Yards 3 2019 crop


Jseliger2 Second Avenue Subway opening 2017 01 01 31922998201


Governors Island by simplethrill


Congestion Pricing IMG 6677 cropped


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