Regional Plan Association has begun the final stage in a ten-year program to prepare a new plan for the New York Metropolitan Region-to carry forward the 1929 Plan of New York and Its Environs, which has influenced metropolitan development significantly.
In preparing the second plan, the Association has analyzed present trends and policies and described the future that will result if these forces continue. We also have tried to identify the problems that present trends and policies seem to be bringing. And we have formed some hypotheses on how to meet those problems.
During the next three years our research will test these hypotheses and modify them. We shall adjust conclusions for the opinion of many groups and the general public. And finally, we shall present the second Regional Plan.
In this report, we explain what the plan will be like when completed, the steps leading to it, and, particularly, what we now know about the Region’s future and what we still need to know to plan rationally. In addition, we expose our assumptions, identify the critical issues to be decided, and discuss how the plan can influence the Region’s future.