Campaign Healthy Regions Planning Exchange Featured Image2

Healthy Regions

The Healthy Regions Planning Exchange brings together practitioners, advocates, and community-based representatives from across the US to address structural issues that influence health and equity in regional planning.


Planning Exchange Map2021


West End Station Soccer
By putting community needs first, we can ensure that federal funding is used to build and restore health equity as well as the nation’s infrastructure.
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Trenton Makes Glen Beltz
Although it will take years to break down barriers to health equity, real progress is taking place across the United States. These are some of the regions showing the way.
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Events & Symposiums


Event Highlight

Infrastructure Equity in Action

In June, 2022 as federal funding for infrastructure begins coming down the pipeline, participants from the Planning Exchange described the steps they’re taking to ensure that infrastructure projects achieve more equitable results than many have in the past.


Laura Chu-Wiens
Executive Director, Pittsburghers for Public Transit
Lynn Cuny
Deputy Director, Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation
Odetta Macleish-White
Director, Georgia Initiatives, Center for Community Progress
Charlene McGee
Program Manager, Multnomah County Department of Health
Joo Hee Pomplun
Executive Director, The Alliance for Metropolitan Stability
watch the conversation
Campaign Healthy Regions Second Symposium
Campaign Healthy Regions Planning Exchange Symposium1 Cropped
