Legacy gifts
Legacy gifts to RPA are of vital help to the long-term sustainability of the organization and may take two forms:
- Cash Bequests: RPA receives a specific dollar amount
- Specific Bequest or Devise Property: RPA receives specified assets such as securities or an interest in real estate
Example testamentary language:“I give and bequeath to Regional Plan Association, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation located at One Whitehall Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10004, for its general purposes, the sum of __ Dollars ($__) [or __% of my residuary estate].“
Note: The language above is provided as general information and is not intended as legal advice. Please be sure to consult your attorney and/or tax advisor when setting up a charitable bequest.
Gifts to RPA Through Your Retirement Plans
IRAs, Keoghs, 401(k)s and other retirement plan assets often make up large parts of many estates. When left to your heirs, these assets are subject to income, state and other transfer taxes. Naming RPA as a beneficiary of a specified percentage of your retirement plan assets eliminates both income and estate taxes. (Please note that designating a specific dollar amount, instead of a specified percentage, will result in the inclusion of these funds in your gross estate for tax purposes.)
For more information, please contact Christine Hsu at [email protected]