Hudson Valley Poughkeepsie shutterstock 763119439

Hudson Valley Alliance for Housing and Conservation

An Innovative Collaboration of Land Trusts and Affordable Housing Organizations Conserving Critical Landscapes and Responding to the Region’s Housing Crisis

Watch the replay: Hudson Valley Alliance for Housing and Conservation

IMG 7800

Shared Purpose Statement

HV Study Area for Web

Participating Organizations

Affordable Housing

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Land Conservation

Screenshot 2024 03 11 at 4 12 49 PM
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Poughkeepsie: Mid-Hudson Bridge and Walkway over the Hudson — image by Scenic Hudson Inc.

Places for Collaboration

Potential Places for Collaboration in the Hudson Valley

Places where conditions may be conducive to collaboration between affordable housing and conservation sectors.

Places for Collaboration Mapping Exercise Workshop, November 2022

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Project Planning Team

What’s Next

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Newburgh: Broadway view — image by Scenic Hudson Inc.

Spreading the Word

Project Funders

Additional Resources
